About US
BTC is an outdoor seasonal tennis club with four lighted courts in the hamlet of Ballantrae. Our full season is weather-dependent; it starts when the nets go up in the Spring (April/May) and ends when the nets come down in the Fall (Sept/Oct).
BTC has approximately 300 members of all skill levels and ages. When you're a member of BTC, you have priority on court time and access to weekly round robins, club tournaments, and other special events.
Our club is run by a great group of volunteers. If you're interested in volunteering, speak to one of our Directors or contact us via email, info@ballantraetennis.ca. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
BTC Board of Directors:
Executive Directors
President: Geri Flotron
Vice President: Glen Fisher
Secretary: Colette Nemni
Treasurer: Glenn Dunford
Lee Wilson
Richard Galambos
Glen MacMillan
Ballantrae Tennis Club is a member of the Ontario Tennis Association.